Hillsboro father-son duo take silver in Pan-Am fishing games

Sep 11, 2019 -- Posted by : compass1

By Cory Erickson, Hillsboro Banner

Given the choice between fishing in sweltering heat or freezing cold, Shawn Hennings prefers the cold.

However, the veteran angler from Hillsboro battled through oppressive conditions in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to help the United States team take silver in the second annual Pan-American Saltwater Big Game Championships Aug. 17-18.

Hennings and the U.S. team, which included his son, Hunter, targeted varieties of marlin as well as sail fish, dorado, wahoo and bonito in the Pacific Ocean waters off the coast of the Mexican state of Nayarit.

“You’re talking fish from 12 pounds all the way up to 500 pounds,” Hennings said. 

The larger fish proved elusive and difficult to catch, the fisherman added. 

“There were only three marlin caught all weekend,” he said. “We swung and missed on a marlin the first day of competition. It was very tough conditions in the area they limited us to.”

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