Traill County Sheriff Hunt issues reminder for flood insurance

Jan 31, 2020 -- Posted by : compass1

By Cole Short, Hillsboro Banner

Traill County Sheriff Steve Hunt on Thursday reminded homeowners to consider purchasing flood insurance if they feel their properties may be at risk this spring.

Standard homeowner’s insurance does not cover flooding and there is a 30-day waiting period for new flood policies before they take effect.

“Most people know by now that homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover floods but there are plenty that still think they do,” Hunt said. “Just because you have homeowner’s insurance doesn’t mean you’re covered in a flood.”

Hunt attended a flood meeting Monday in Fargo hosted by the National Weather Service.

Forecasters and hydrologists at the meeting revealed that precipitation recorded in the region sits 4 to 8 inches above normal for this time of year.

Coupled with a long-range forecast calling for colder-than-normal temps and above-average precipitation, the Red River Valley could experience a top 5 flood event this year, Hunt said.

He recommended property owners contact their insurance agents to ask about flood insurance.

In addition, homeowners should inspect or have their sump pumps serviced before temps start to warm up this spring, he said.
