Texas speaker Holladay slated to discuss vaping at area schools

Mar 5, 2019 -- Posted by : compass1

Rob Holladay, a youth motivational speaker from Carrollton, Texas, will speak about the dangers of vaping at two Traill County schools Friday, March 8.

Holladay will address students from Hillsboro and Central Valley public schools at 9:30 a.m. followed by a second presentation at 1 p.m. at MayPort-CG High School in Mayville.

Holladay delivered a similar presentation to students in Tyler, Texas several weeks ago.

His presentation “Vaping: What’s in the Mist,” covered why students are vaping and the health problems associated with e-cigarettes.

Hillsboro SADD is helping sponsor Holladay’s appearances in Hillsboro and Mayville.
