Community Pulse survey available

Jul 31, 2019 -- Posted by : compass1

The Traill County Economic Development Commission on Thursday released a survey on Facebook and Twitter seeking input about how locals view their communities.

TCEDC Executive Director Jim Murphy said results of the community pulse survey will be shared with cities in the county to help them shape their futures.

“It’s important that we find out from the residents of Traill County what it is they want from their communities,” Murphy said Monday.

“How do you know which direction to go if you don’t know where you are?”

People in Hillsboro are asked 24 questions such as whether they’d like to see more cultural events, restaurants or lodging in town and why they chose to live here.

Another handful of questions center on community education courses and if respondents would enroll in courses on basic car maintenance, snow sculpting and dance classes.

“I hope there are a few gems that come out of this,” Murphy said. “Maybe we can identify a business that would be a really good fit here and someone in one of these communities will step forward and say ‘You know, I’ve always wanted to do that.'"

Click here to take the survey, which will remain open through Aug. 30.

Community Pulse Survey
